Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2

Sunday School classes are available for all ages and cover an array of topics.
Sunday School begins at 9:30am and most classes meet downstairs,
with coffee and fellowship in the Great Room beginning at 9am.
No need to register, just pop in and join a class!

Life and Doctrine

For: Any Adults

Details: This class seeks to apply the exhortation to “watch our life and doctrine carefully” (1 Timothy 4:16), combining study of doctrine with life application.

In our current series, “THE Gospel among OTHER Gospels,” we examine the essential doctrines of Christianity, seeking to grow in our understanding and application of the Gospel that we might better defend and confirm, proclaim and live with conviction The ONE Gospel (Galatians 1:8, Jude 1:3) and with faithfulness The WHOLE Gospel (Acts 20:27).

Leaders: Pastor Brent Liberda   & William O’Flaherty
Room: 122

Fundamentals of Faith

For: Senior Adults

Details: Commonly know as the JOY Class, this welcoming senior adult class is working through John MacArthur’s “Fundamentals of the Faith” study. Topics are the organization, canonization, and history of the Bible, how to study the Bible, the character and attributes of God, the person and work of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, salvation, prayer and the believer, the church’s role, spiritual gifts, evangelism, obedience, and God’s will and guidance.


Leader: Harlan Amandus & Mark Patton
Room: 121

The Living Word

For: Men

Details: In completing our study of John’s writings, we are now working our way through his final work, the last book of the Bible, Revelation. As we take on a few verses each Sunday, we attempt to understand content and context and to find application for our daily lives, all under the leading of the Holy Spirit. All men are invited to come as often as you can as we take advantage of this opportunity to grow together as Followers of Jesus




Leader: Mike Carico     
Room: 111

Women of the Well

For: Women

Details: The Women of the Well, a gathering of adult women, all generations, all stages of life, are dwelling in the truths of the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus. The more we grow in the knowledge of who He says He is, the more we will diligently seek to remember our First Love and walk in the fullness of God, not the empty cravings of the world.

“Each I AM statement gives us a unique picture of Jesus. Together they offer a more complete understanding of who He is and how He satisfies every need, longing, ache, and craving in every aspect of life.” (Crave, The Salem Alliance Church).

Please join us! Working together, each individual part promotes the growth of the Body for building up itself in love.

Leader: Pam Carico
Room: 204a

The Foundations of Biblical Marriage

For: Everyone

Details: Everyone is welcome to join, whether you’re newly married, long married, or not yet married, this class will provide valuable insights into building strong, Christ-centered relationships.

Together we will discover what the Bible says about . . .

-The role of the wife
-The role of the husband
-Divorce and Remarriage

Leader: Don and Linda Oliver   
Room: 120

Middle and High School Classes

For: Grades 6-12

Details: Middle School and High School students meet separately for discussion-based Bible Studies and touch on on a variety of topics pertinent to students. Your young person will enjoy meeting with friends and being led by caring adults.

Middle School Leader: Marcie Kincaid
Room: 112

High School Leaders: Bruce & Andy McClymonds
Room: 113

Graded Children's Classes

For: Children age 3 through 5th Grade

Details: All children’s Sunday School classes use materials from The Gospel Project. For more info on this special curriculum and how to find the right class for your child, follow the link below.

For more info on a particular class or
anything else regarding Sunday School, let us know!

Meet Pastor Brent

Brent Liberda
Associate Pastor

Brent’s first career was in forestry, and he became a believer while working in the mountains of North Idaho. His career path led him to an Alliance church in Prattville, AL, where he was baptized, discipled, and felt God’s call to missionary service. 

While completing educational requirements for missionary service at Crown College of the CMA, he met his wife Lisa, and soon after marrying they pursued God’s call to cross-cultural ministry with the Pueblo Indian nations in New Mexico. After a decade of church-planting ministry in the Pueblos, they transitioned to overseas service and spent the next decade in missionary service in Mongolia. Due to health issues they were not able to remain in Mongolia and were redeployed to Paraguay. Unfortunately, the health issues pesisted and the Liberdas had to leave Paraguay and transition to stateside ministry. Fortunately, this change brought them to CMA Church. Pastor Brent oversees Missions, Outreach Ministries, and Community Groups. He and Lisa are delighted have the opportunity to serve and to be part of this church family!

email Brent